The Film Fights Fight / Film Fights
Completed October 23rd, 2009
In it's almost 6 year history, we've never had a fight ABOUT Film Fights. It's time to break that streak. Make a movie about FilmFights.com.As long as the site is featured somehow tangentially in your plot, your film will be eligible.

"hey look, there i am!"

Avatar YattaMagnus
Orem, Utah
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Description: "This is what FilmFights is really about."

Submitted: October 1st, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Why I'm Here"

by Edward Flinch Productions

Genre: Film Fights

Edward Flinch Productions20
Sometimes Funny9
Willamette Filmmakes Society4

Why I'm Here

by Edward Flinch Productions

This is what FilmFights is really about.

15 reviews
20 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb My Last Christmas

Time for a fun Christmas movie from your friends at Father and Son Tuesday!!! ...

Thumb Loose Cannon

A loose cannon cop who just won't listen to the rules goes on a rampage!

Thumb Immortality

The balance of power and living forever can be obtainable, but at what price? E...