Children's Program / Television
Completed January 14th, 2011
Make a 1970's children program! Remember, it's the 70's, don't make it TOO politically correct ;)

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Description: "a classic kids program for your veiwing pleasure"

Submitted: January 12th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Romper Room "

by -Xzkape Productions

Genre: Television

-Xzkape Productions7
Jesse Gilbert Films5

Romper Room

by -Xzkape Productions

A recently found clip from everyone's old time favorite kid's show, Romper Room.

4 reviews
7 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb The Woman Wore Black

A huge controversy is unveiled by an unlikely man who finds a TV in the woods

Thumb The Woman Wore Black

A huge controversy is unveiled by an unlikely man who finds a TV in the woods

Thumb Cradle
