What's In the Box? / Thriller
Completed August 9th, 2015
Your main character has something to hide but never reveal "what's in the box".

"I like that you did a horror film for this contest like I did. You even ended with the same fade to black with the noise of the second victims death. How did you have the blood come out like that? Anyway, the music for this was a good choice. You should've picked a better location though because the white walls di..." read more

Avatar JR Films
New York
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Description: "A contemporary horror story with eighties thriller inspired music and visuals. Think "The Posession" meets "It Follows.""

Submitted: July 13th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Box"

by TheFilmingDutchman

Genre: Thriller

Stay In Kids Productions2

The Box

by TheFilmingDutchman

A young woman finds redemption.

2 reviews
8 votes

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