Fall From Grace / Comedy,Drama
Completed June 3rd, 2006
A movie about someone's downfall.

"te little camera shaly thing at the begining was cool. greenscreen wasnt bad, except that his hands were cut off. thats happened to me (halloween wish), so i feel ya. not much you can do in post production to fix it, except hoep not too many people notce :) really, the whole film was pretty decent, the opening cre..." read more

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Description: "This spy's day just went from bad to worse. After a day of hacking he's ended up falling out of a window at G.R.A.C.E. Enterprises."

Submitted: May 19th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Fall From Grace"

by Sojourner Films

Genre: Comedy,Drama

Sojourner Films78
on rye ltd. (3/4)68
Revolution Films47
Saturnine Films33
8th Day Labour16

Fall From Grace

by Sojourner Films

Sometimes the cause of a person's downfall is not their most obvious flaw, but a more subtle mot...

6 reviews
78 votes

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