Jumping the Shark / Comedy
Completed February 13th, 2009
Wikipedia says: "Jumping the shark is a colloquialism used by TV critics and fans to denote that point in a TV show or movie series' history where the plot veers off into absurd story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations, particularly for a show with falling ratings apparently becoming more desperate to draw viewers in. In the process of undergoing these changes, the TV or movie series loses its original appeal." Start your short film off normally, then pick a point to totally "jump the shark" with a ridiculous twist. The more ridiculous the better.

"You guys made a great one! Love LOST!"

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Lost spoof, when the Losties can't figure out where they are or what they are doing. So they interrogate to of Lost's biggest fans."

Submitted: January 14th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Lost - Jumping the Shark"

by Kings of Reel

Genre: Comedy

Kings of Reel561
Monkey-Penguin Productions430
Lawnjockey Productions76

Lost - Jumping the Shar

by Kings of Reel

Lost spoof, when the Losties can't figure out where they are or what they are doing. So they inte...

9 reviews
561 votes

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