Kick-Ass / Kicking of Asses!
Completed April 30th, 2010
One rule. Your films must include someone being kicked in the ass. I know you all have asses and feet. This will be insane.

"I'm going to use three words here. Awkward. Loud. Useless. Awkward because its not said that he was going to start listing steps, he just says "welcome to how to kick an ass, one" One what? ONE WHAT? Tell me leather jacketed teenager... Loud because, well The whole explosion at the end and laughing was, well.. lou..." read more

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Description: "Watch it and you will know what it is about."

Submitted: April 11th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Operation: Kick Ass"

by Immortal Dog Productions

Genre: Kicking of Asses!

Immortal Dog Productions73
Sometimes Funny19
Compañeros Productions15

Operation: Kick Ass

by Immortal Dog Productions

Sometimes kicking ass requires a COORDINATED PRECISION STRIKE!

16 reviews
73 votes

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