Daydream / Any
Completed March 31st, 2011
Show us a daydream through the eyes of the main character. Go all out and have fun with it!

"Nice work. At first I thought it was a little uncomfortable with all the choppy take transitions, but it helps in a way with the mood. Great job on the boys acting. I think it needed a little more atencion on the audio. "

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Description: "A mother daydreams about what could go wrong when she leaves her son with the babysitter. "

Submitted: March 17th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Gunslinger"

by Cale Nichols Films

Genre: Any

Cale Nichols Films38
Jersey Unleashed Films 30
Tomikazee Productions24
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The Gunslinger

by Cale Nichols Films

Ever let your imagination wonder? It might be more dangerous then you think.

11 reviews
38 votes

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