The 3:30 Fight / Any
Completed May 1st, 2011
Make a film that starts at 3:30 -- AM or PM, start with a shot of a clock and take it from there!

"hahahahahahahahahahaha. Love this one. I was watching and thinking on what to put on my review, and thought I'll mention that I was waiting for the pills scene, and then it came out. LMAO. thanks for the laugh."

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Description: "In war, you must be ready in a short amount of time!Music by my friend Daniel Noriega."

Submitted: April 12th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "3rd Floor (3:30 Fight)"

by Smooth Films

Genre: Any

Smooth Films118
Random Axe Entertainment30
Mega Black Suit Productions14

3rd Floor (3:30 Fight)

by Smooth Films

A man rushes to work early, only to find himself caught in the middle of a ransom exchange.

18 reviews
118 votes

Smack Talk!


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