A Battle of Words / Any
Completed July 31st, 2011
Some battles aren't fought with guns, but with words. Explore this theme in 2 minutes!

"I thought it was quite well done. Turning it into a rap with the dj appearing was an interesting twist. Though I think I would have liked to have seen something interesting done, perhaps with the lighting, to change the atmosphere at that point. I liked the rapping, those two have skills. =)"

Avatar Budo Films
Brisvegas, Australia
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Description: "When your significant other steals your money you may have to just battle...battle rap."

Submitted: July 14th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Games and Affairs"

by K.B. Films

Genre: Any

K.B. Films55
Douglas Scott Films49
Mega Black Suit Productions8

Games and Affairs

by K.B. Films

Two guys get into an argument and they settle it in an unusual way.

7 reviews
55 votes

Smack Talk!


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