Video Time Machine Ad / Commercial
Completed June 15th, 2011
Justin's site YTTM.tv made an app! If your iPhone was a time machine would you kill Hitler? Meet Elvis? Get drunk with Lincoln? Winning video gets $100! Entrants get the app free

"....I feel like this missed the point completely haha. Where's the tie in to yttm or at least an app?" read replies

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Description: "new features make this time machine the shiz"

Submitted: June 8th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "8th"

by Knoptop Studios

Genre: Commercial

Knoptop Studios83
filmyguy fun group29
Willamette Filmmakes Society14
Smoking Barrel Production12
Worn Out Shoes Productions1


by Knoptop Studios

He finds an old photo then he makes the most of his time machine.

4 reviews
83 votes

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