Lost In Time / Any
Completed October 2nd, 2011
A historical figure has somehow stumbled into the present, in YOUR neighborhood! What do you do with this historical stranger?

"Love the music, butttt is it copyright??? This actor has a great look. Love the stache. Really funny to see him checking out the dude with the cellphone, ha. I like that you got an older actor to play "cellphone man" - the camera work is a bit frantic, is that how these things were shot back in the day? Normally ..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "The short version of 'Modernly Times'. Check out the full version at http://bit.ly/ModernlyTimes."

Submitted: September 14th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Lost In Time"

by Tomikazee Productions

Genre: Any

Tomikazee Productions69
TEXO Films48
Two Guys and a Camera Films12

Lost In Time

by Tomikazee Productions

Two boys wake up to find a strange visitor outside...

9 reviews
69 votes

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