New Orleans Horror Film Festival Fight / Horror
Completed November 13th, 2011
This one's a treat! Make a film that pertains to New Orleans, whether it's shot there or not. The winner will get their film screened at the festival!

"Bad ass intro! Footage quality isn't phenomenal but I've been there, man. Work with what you got. I'm really digging this interaction between the two main characters. That's some believable stuff. Cheating on his chick with a similar looking ho?! Aw yeah, playboy. The F word was used well in the first scene but th..." read more

Avatar OutlawPictures
Philadelphia, PA
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Description: "Satan has alot of good stories to tell but this is one of his favorites...Enjoy!"

Submitted: October 14th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cajun Midnight"

by Clear Prop! Productions

Genre: Horror

Clear Prop! Productions77
Awesome Sauce Studio36
Dutch Lake33

Cajun Midnight

by Clear Prop! Productions

A dwindling celebrity's first night in the newly purchased LaLaurie Mansion quickly goes from bad...

5 reviews
77 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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John from GMBMS! Sweet, Merciful Crap! I'm so glad you folks liked our piece!...

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Amir does his best 'blair witch' impersonation.

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Futuristic comedy where people can practice new abilities such as telepathy or p...