I Remember / Drama
Completed December 4th, 2011
Record someone of a generation older than you telling a story, and recreate it in a cinematic way using their voice as the narrator. Parents, grandparents, teachers, they all have great stories!

"WHAT I LIKED: Great audio on this!!!!! Love the shot of the guy talking. Good re-enactment!! Haha, also this is a really funny story. I like the fade transitions at 1:48. WHAT COULD USE WORK: Tighter editing when your dad is speaking. I'd really suggest getting closer so it feels more personal - this wide sho..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "When tragedy strikes, the McWilliams family must stick together on the spookiest of nights."

Submitted: November 12th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Cat: A Halloween Tail"

by Ross Man Productions

Genre: Drama

Ross Man Productions13

The Cat: A Halloween Ta

by Ross Man Productions

When tragedy strikes, the McWilliams family must stick together on the spookiest of nights.

3 reviews
13 votes

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