FFCon2k12 Fight! / Hollywood Film Titles
Completed September 2nd, 2012
We challenged our 3 teams to make a film based on the TITLE of a movie that takes place in Los Angeles. They had NINE HOURS to conceive and complete their film, these are them!

"We had a tough time settling on an idea, but I'm pretty happy with what we were able to come up with in the last 5 hours! I wish we had more time to work on editing and color correction, I might have left out the angry kid audio."

Avatar Edward Flinch
Honolulu, HI
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Description: "Three roommates come to blows after a popular Chad Future song tears them apart, but will they be saying "Hello" or goodbye when the dust settles?"

Submitted: August 19th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Clueless"

by Dont Ask

Genre: Hollywood Film Titles

Dont Ask63
One Trick Pony47
Edward Flinch Productions21


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