This Ain't Sesame Street! / Puppet
Completed June 16th, 2013
A puppet comes to life in the human world. Could be a fancy muppet-style puppet, a sock puppet, or whatever you have laying around! How do people treat it? What does it discover about itself? Show us!

"It's been interesting to see the films and the huge range of results. Thanks to all who have been kind enough to post comments - you're very kind. ;)"

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Description: "A happy puppet called Peter the ssssssnake Puppet has another life. At night. Of course. A terror to mice. But life can end!"

Submitted: June 2nd, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "No Strings!"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Puppet

The Phantom Monk39
Vegan Cannibals Productions21

No Strings!

by The Phantom Monk

A frustrated puppet maker discards his creation once too often!!!

10 reviews
39 votes

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