Christmas Nightmares / Horror
Completed January 5th, 2014
Create a spooky Christmas film. Maybe Santa is an evil demon, or maybe he's being chased by something evil. Maybe a present ends up having something horrible inside of it. Scare us!

"You needed a bit more rehearsal of you line to make the dialogue more natural and when the guy awoke I'm assuming he's supposed to be angry but it looked like he was smirking! The last 3 shots didn't really flow one minute the guys bursting through the door, then it cut to him standing still, then cut to him on th..." read more

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Description: "Two friends get into a fight over gold gift wrap except neither of them expect what happens next, Enjoy!"

Submitted: December 18th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "A Nightmare on Elf Street"

by Blind Panda Humor

Genre: Horror

Blind Panda Humor62
Third Take Productions26
Storm Front Reno7

A Nightmare on Elf Stre

by Blind Panda Humor

Christmas Dad is excited about making a video blog capturing his daughter's adventures with the E...

3 reviews
62 votes

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Hall Of Fame
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