The Art Film / Experimental
Completed September 4th, 2017
Let your inner Dali or Lynch out and create an art film. No story-line, just artistic expression. The catch? You have to have someone say 'Film Fights' at some point during your film.

"Really disturbing! The film was great, but it had some issues with the image quality at some points. Could it be some kind of compression? Anyway, i enjoyed it. Good luck! " read replies

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Description: "Real Madrid 1, Surreal Madrid fish!"

Submitted: August 20th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Stand Forward Move Still"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Experimental

The Phantom Monk10
Sudart Studios1

Stand Forward Move Stil

by The Phantom Monk

Real Madrid 1, Surreal Madrid fish!

2 reviews
10 votes

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