Hard Boiled / Film Noir
Completed February 14th, 2011
In the style of a gritty film noir! Don't get stuck in the olden days - you can also make a modern-style noir film (a la "Brick").

"Interesting accent. Seems a little silly - a little too nasally. Wish it was a different voice. "It's always a dame" - nice, very film noir. Love the outfits! And the location, awesome. Audio is a bit iffy during the dinner scene. Too bad since the video end of it is REALLY good -- well the lighting could be bet..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Detective Grant takes on what he thinks is an easy case."

Submitted: February 1st, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Missing Rent"

by The Homerton Film Troupe

Genre: Film Noir

The Homerton Film Troupe83
Indie Machines61
Hey Killer Productions52
Swine Films22
Jersey Unleashed Films 21
Mega Black Suit Productions16

The Missing Rent

by The Homerton Film Troupe

Detective Woodward is given his toughest case yet, but nobody else sees things his way...

9 reviews
83 votes

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