Misconception / Any
Completed June 7th, 2011
You enter into a new situation, but your preconceived notions of it are totally wrong!

"HAHA, great, I died that was funny. Now it makes me wonder what she was so upset about though and why he had to go to the bathroom to open it."

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Description: "Note:Do not open jars of jam in the bathroom, your mom will get the wrong idea! "

Submitted: May 14th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bird Watching - FFTV"

by AlexKfridges Productions

Genre: Any

AlexKfridges Productions58
No Pickles Media40
Beaver Brain Productions37

Bird Watching - FFTV

by AlexKfridges Productions

A bird watcher is going about his daily bird watching when he discovers something quit serious.

10 reviews
58 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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