Bagel Haiku / Haiku
Completed May 3rd, 2015
Make a video haiku that has a bagel in it...A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next shot is 7 sec, final shot is 5 seconds. SEE EXAMPLES HERE: http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"The sound was a bit quiet in the 2nd shot, not exactly sure what was said. I liked that it was shot so you couldn't see anyone's face, just arms. I feel like the punchline would have been funnier if he had smacked the bagel thief's hand. Great job guys!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "whose Bagel is it . . . . ?"

Submitted: April 16th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Gluten Freedom"

by Film Club

Genre: Haiku

Film Club32
One Trick Pony27
Anti-Productive Productions19

Gluten Freedom

by Film Club

Stuffed in that cupboard. Alone, forgotten, and stale. Time to be set Free.

6 reviews
32 votes

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