Cooking Up Trouble / Horror
Completed May 31st, 2010
Whatever's cooking, it's ends up causing a LOT of problems for the characters in these films.

"A few things i think you could easily improve. When the guys running for the knife he should of been sprinting for that thing and also if you got the guy to stab the stranger in the other side, the knife pull would look more realistic and you wouldnt have to cross THE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." read more

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Description: "When a man wants popcorn. A man gets popcorn."

Submitted: May 8th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cooking Up Trouble"

by David Seger

Genre: Horror

David Seger47
Random Axe Entertainment38
Lickity Split Productions25

Cooking Up Trouble

by David Seger

Christopher loves Hot Dogs, but he doesn't know how to make them.

11 reviews
47 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.

Thumb Dealing Death

This bitch'in film has a puppet, mustaches, vampires, and a Gypsy!! So flipp'in ...

Thumb Never There

Shoot First Atlanta\'s lipdub video for the song \"Never There\" by Cake.