Cooking Up Trouble / Horror
Completed May 31st, 2010
Whatever's cooking, it's ends up causing a LOT of problems for the characters in these films.

"The music at the start is really cool and fits the feel(aoart from being Glee right? or is it the original). I felt the food preparation was little boring. I thought the smoke and fire affects where awsome. This might be heavyweight coz of the cool effects but its not nearly horror enough. Nice film :)"

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Description: "Never leave the food in too long."

Submitted: May 13th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cooking Up Trouble"

by David Seger

Genre: Horror

David Seger47
Random Axe Entertainment38
Lickity Split Productions25

Cooking Up Trouble

by David Seger

Christopher loves Hot Dogs, but he doesn't know how to make them.

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47 votes

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