Cooking Up Trouble / Horror
Completed May 31st, 2010
Whatever's cooking, it's ends up causing a LOT of problems for the characters in these films.

"You're "sets" were incredible!! What a score when you can use locations like you had. The sound quality was a little low but understandable. Something that popped out was that I hadn't noticed that there was something wrong with your foot until she asked. Threw me off a bit haha Good work overall!"

Avatar Tyler6793
New Jersey
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Description: "A girl wanders into an ice cream shop as it's closing and discovers an intriguing new flavor. "

Submitted: May 14th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cooking Up Trouble"

by David Seger

Genre: Horror

David Seger47
Random Axe Entertainment38
Lickity Split Productions25

Cooking Up Trouble

by David Seger

Christopher loves Hot Dogs, but he doesn't know how to make them.

11 reviews
47 votes

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