The Intro / Intro
Completed September 8th, 2011
New filmmakers have a tendency to make their intros WAY too long! Make a 2 minute short film that's 95% intro! Have fun with it!

"Ha ha ha! You guys come up with some funny stuff. =D Love the costumes and the characters - their names are priceless! The chromakeying was dodgy at points (eg. Candy Mounting @1:04), but quite good at other times (eg. May Day @0:48). Not sure what you did differently there, but if you remember let me know. I'm..." read more

Avatar Budo Films
Brisvegas, Australia
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Description: "... comes around. "

Submitted: July 21st, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Job"

by Fear More Studios

Genre: Intro

Fear More Studios51
Swagger Productions37
Budo Films25
The Cove Shorts9
Blood In The Sink Pictures7

The Job

by Fear More Studios

One man, one job.

16 reviews
51 votes

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