The Intro / Intro
Completed September 8th, 2011
New filmmakers have a tendency to make their intros WAY too long! Make a 2 minute short film that's 95% intro! Have fun with it!

"I like the tribute to the Bruce Lee film. It looked like it would have been fun to make. The green screening was pretty good for the most part, but there were some glitches (like being able to notice the frame edges of the things sliding in and out). Couldn't say how to avoid it though - I've never used green s..." read more

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Brisvegas, Australia
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Description: "The music is made by peter thomas for the bruce lee movie "the Big Boss"."

Submitted: August 3rd, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Job"

by Fear More Studios

Genre: Intro

Fear More Studios51
Swagger Productions37
Budo Films25
The Cove Shorts9
Blood In The Sink Pictures7

The Job

by Fear More Studios

One man, one job.

16 reviews
51 votes

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