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Fight #65 | A Christmas Disaster December 22nd, 2005
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This is our third-annual (can you believe it) Christmas fight! The past two years the title has been "A Christmas Miracle" but this year it's time to mix things up. TIME LIMIT: Under 4:30


Also entered: CPP, Dont Ask, Five Clover Films, Irrational Films, Kim Jong Lee, NJFILMCORE, Riverbend Films, Spare Parts

Fight #64 | A (blank) for a (blank) December 11th, 2005
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Two rivasquare off in an epic showdown! Replace the (blank) with the word of your choice.


Also entered: NDG Films

Fight #63 | Action Movie Sequel December 2nd, 2005
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Good news! The first action movie in your series did great! Now the studio demands you put out another one as soon as possible!


Also entered: Chubby Commie, Dont Ask, One Trick Pony, The Silly Apple Klub, Vendetta

Fight #62 | The Suitcase November 13th, 2005
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Black and White, try to have a Noir look to it. No shots of faces. Narration is allowed, but no direct dialogue spoken from characters.


Also entered: B-side, media garden, NDG Films

Fight #60 | Halloween! October 21st, 2005
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This is our annual Halloween film fight spectacular, and the rules are spectacularily simple. The film can have any title, be of any genre, it just has to take place on Halloween!


Also entered: alsoran video group, Broccoli On A Stick Productions, Burning Bus, David Lehre Productions, Dont Ask, Empty Pocket Productions, Ninja! Films, Revolution Films, Spare Parts, Synaptic TV, VileKyle

Fight #59 | Dale and Steve October 8th, 2005
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Coming of age movies are about exploration of the world that you're growing up in, and the people you do it with. Mysteries are about solving mysterious occurances. Think like ... Goonies, that kind of thing.


Also entered: Brazen Films, Cake Bake, Kevs Krazy Krap, Kim Jong Lee, Ninja! Films, Off-Red Eye Productions, Saturnine Films

Fight #58 | Video Haiku Part Two! September 18th, 2005
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What's a video haiku? Well, it's something we made up a while ago. It's a 17 second movie comprised of three shots, the first five seconds, the second seven seconds, and the last five seconds.


Also entered: CPP, Dan Rigdon, Dont Ask, irenicmaelstromproductions, Irrational Films, jad, Lifeinacave Films, Off-Red Eye Productions, One Trick Pony, Reentry, RetardedCrap, Revolution Films, samsarai, Synaptic TV, VileKyle

Fight #57 | Smooth Move September 8th, 2005
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The camera is continually in motion. You must Tilt, Pan, Dolly, Zoom, Crane or otherwise follow the action of your actors.


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Fight #56 | The Camera August 28th, 2005
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The plot of the movie has to be focused around a Camera. Video, photo, doesn't matter, just any kind of camera. You decide what's so special about it.


Also entered: Lazmania

Fight #55 | Time Travel August 18th, 2005
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Create a movie about travelling in time! Past, present, we don't care. Just travel in time!


Also entered: wallyville

Fight #54 | One Line August 8th, 2005
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Must contain only this line of speech/dialouge: "That's the beauty of it, it doesn't DO anything!" (no cheating by making everything they say text)


Also entered: Dont Ask, VileKyle

Fight #53 | Opening Credits June 30th, 2005
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You've got a minute and a half to create the opening to a feature-length movie. You know, the part where things get set up, the names pop up on the screen, that kind of stuff.


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Fight #52 | Big Scoopers June 14th, 2005
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Every line of the movie must be in the form of a question.


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Fight #51 | Wannabe May 30th, 2005
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Your main character is forced to go undercover in a situation he or she isn't cut out for!


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Fight #50 | Crush May 18th, 2005
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You must include this line in your film: "Never again! Never again, I say!"


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Fight #49 | Turnaround May 3rd, 2005
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Things get turned around.


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Fight #48 | PlanB April 23rd, 2005
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Make a movie where things get horribly messed up and plan B is initiated.


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Fight #47 | The End April 13th, 2005
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Make a movie that follows the last few days, hours, or minutes of the lead character's life.


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Fight #46 | Horror April 4th, 2005
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Horror movie in which the villain would normally be seen as harmless.


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Fight #45 | Peer Pressure March 16th, 2005
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Getting pressured by your peers can be overwhelming. Make a movie where your lead is getting pressured into doiong something.


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Fight #44 | "Bring on the ________" March 2nd, 2005
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Make a musical. Just replace the ______ with something that pertains to our film. Extra credit points for dancing.


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Fight #43 | "Movie Title" February 17th, 2005
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Make a film that has the same name as a big screen movie, but has a new take on the title.


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Fight #42 | Dirt February 3rd, 2005
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A scandal is uncovered!


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Fight #41 | The Guardian January 23rd, 2005
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Make an old fashion black and white, slient film. The plot should fit the title.


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Fight #40 | Fragile January 12th, 2005
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An Unexpected Hero saves the day


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Fight #39 | Twist January 2nd, 2005
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Make a movie with a twist.


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Last Fight's Winner
Video "Your Life"

by Addyson Alexa

Genre: Any

Addyson Alexa0

Your Life

by Addyson Alexa

She is upset about her scar, but she realizes that she can't let it effect her life because your ...

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Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Go Ahead, Make My Day

There's only so much a man can take before the showdown. So "Go Ahead, Make My D...

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A young man with a bare face discovers in one shocking moment that without facia...

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