Also entered: CyFy, EmmerekEntertainment, Headhunting Hobo Productions, NDI Studios, Redhand Studios, RS17 Production, VIPERFANG
Also entered: 17th Letter Films, 347films, deadfrogsociety films, Dont Ask, EmmerekEntertainment, Glossy Finish Pictures, Headhunting Hobo Productions, Jesse Gilbert Films, Skitzo Studios, Surreal Nightmares, Synaptic TV
Also entered: Benton Tarantella Films, Clarity Prevails Productions, deadfrogsociety films, EmmerekEntertainment, F.A.S.T.films, Glossy Finish Pictures, Griffinity, Group Gonzo, Jesse Gilbert Films, Mad Cow Film Corporation, Speeding Turtles, VIPERFANG
Also entered: David Seger, EmmerekEntertainment, Glossy Finish Pictures, NDI Studios, Pirate Hooker Status, Sometimes Funny, VIPERFANG
Also entered: arrowheadss, Clarity Prevails Productions, Dont Ask, EmmerekEntertainment, F.A.S.T.films, GiveMeBackMySon, Glossy Finish Pictures, JnAStudios, Kim Jong Lee, NDI Studios, Procoverage Studio, Synaptic TV, The Cove Shorts
Also entered: Beach Bum Pictures, Bobby Miller, Dont Ask, F.A.S.T.films, Griffinity, Hippojuicefilm, Kim Jong Lee, One Trick Pony, Sometimes Funny, Wallyville, Willamette Filmmakes Society
The film can only be THREE shots, the first must be 5 seconds, the second must be 7 seconds, and the final shot must be 5 seconds. You're allowed up to 5 seconds at the end for credits / your website, but ONLY TEXT and logos, no additional video. If you use dialogue, it must be in haiku form as well.
Also entered: AboutMovies, Creative Mayhem Productions, Hollstroms Productions, Letneper, See Movie Productions, Sometimes Funny, Synaptic TV, The Ruse Films, Yes Maam Productions, Yupfrank Productions
Also entered: Procoverage Studio, Spare Parts Productions, Willamette Filmmakes Society
Also entered: CharmingNewSociety, Edward Flinch Productions, Encryption Entertainment, Procoverage Studio, Sometimes Funny, WatermanFilm, Yes Maam Productions
Also entered: Florida Films, Jalapeno Films, Letneper, Outlaw Pictures, Prestige Cinema Productions, Procoverage, Sometimes Funny
Also entered: Clarity/FAST - Supergroup, Convergent Productions, CrAMP Productions, GilpinFilms, Outlaw Pictures, Sometimes Funny
Also entered: Break-Ah-Leg Productions, C'est gore pour rien, Encryption Entertainment, Kings of Reel, One Trick Pony
Wikipedia says: "Jumping the shark is a colloquialism used by TV critics and fans to denote that point in a TV show or movie series' history where the plot veers off into absurd story lines or out-of-the-ordinary characterizations, particularly for a show with falling ratings apparently becoming more desperate to draw viewers in. In the process of undergoing these changes, the TV or movie series loses its original appeal." Start your short film off normally, then pick a point to totally "jump the shark" with a ridiculous twist. The more ridiculous the better.
Also entered: C'est gore pour rien, Lawnjockey Productions, Logsdon Films, MMurray, Monkey-Penguin Productions
by Addyson Alexa
Genre: Any
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Addyson Alexa | 0 |
Your Life
by Addyson Alexa
She is upset about her scar, but she realizes that she can't let it effect her life because your ...
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